Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Small Updates

Haven't gotten THAT much done... pulled an all nighter last week.  I ended up pulling the tranny, completely disassembling it to get to the diff, and re-assembling everything new in the cleaned tranny case by 7 the next morning.  Heres a picture of the garage mid-way through.
Its now installed, and I am making some small modifications.  I will now have a single pieced 2.5" hot-pipe and a 3" coldpipe.  I'm also installing a new a/c compressor in hopes that I will have running a/c once again.
Sadly, that is about it for now.  I have plans on injecting more water/meth pre-turbo as my intake temps were over 200 at the end of the 1/4mile last time out.  Then a tune!

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